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Acupuncture at Chiropractic Chicago

Applying acupuncture needlesAre you struggling with a particularly difficult health problem? At Chiropractic Chicago, we often have people come to us that haven’t gotten answers elsewhere. Thanks to our broad array of services, we can typically find something to help even the most complex of cases.

Acupuncture is one of the many tools that we have in our toolbox. If you don’t respond to chiropractic or your progress begins to plateau, acupuncture may be a good idea. It’s also appropriate for those who don’t respond to other adjunctive forms of therapies or when those are contraindicated. It can help people who are experiencing pain or stress, have sinus and allergy problems or even help reduce stress.

Needle Acupuncture and Electro-Acupuncture

You can have acupuncture done with the traditional acupuncture needs or by the use of electrical stimulation. We have found that electro-acupuncture is particularly effective for facial points, sinuses and allergy sufferers.


Does it hurt to have acupuncture done?

Many people assume that because there are needles involved, acupuncture must be painful to have done. You might be surprised to learn that it’s no more than a pinprick. Some don’t feel a thing. Typically, you feel a brief pressure as the needle is inserted. But after that, you won’t even realize there is a needle there.

How often do you recommend someone get acupuncture done?

All recommendations made at our office are on a case-by-case basis. That means you’ll have appointments at a frequency that’s right for you. If you choose to have acupuncture done for general stress release and not a specific condition, you may want to come in once or twice a month. If you have an active concern about your health, though, you may benefit from a higher frequency such as twice a week, for a time.

Is there a separate fee for acupuncture?

Yes. If you have insurance, we will be happy to file a claim for you in case your plan covers it. Otherwise, this is a cash-based service. If you have concerns about making payments, please speak with us and we will try to accommodate you.

Do I have to be a patient to get acupuncture there?

We do not offer acupuncture as a standalone service. It is designed to enhance the results you get through chiropractic, or to help you get through a plateau and continue to progress on your health journey.

Start Today

Learn more about how we can assist you. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. G!


Acupuncture in Old Town, Lincoln Park, Gold Coast IL | (312) 255-9500